Mauritania: Incumbent tipped to win presidential election

World Saturday 29/June/2024 15:40 PM
By: DW
Mauritania: Incumbent tipped to win presidential election

Nouakchott: Mauritanians headed to the polls Saturday to decide whether President Mohamed Ould Ghazouani should stay in his post.

Ghazouni is facing six challengers in the general election but is widely expected to win.

The president has vowed, if reelected, to bring in more investments to the West African nation, where many people live in poverty. The country possesses mineral wealth and is set to become a gas producer soon.

Ghazouani has promised a gas-fired power plant from the Greater Tortue Ahmeyin (GTA) offshore gas project, which is expected to start production by the end of this year. He also promised to invest in renewable energy and increase gold, uranium and iron ore mining.

The 67-year-old was first elected president in 2019. Though Mauritania's neighbours, such as Mali, have faced insurgency and military coups, the country has experienced relative political stability since Ghazouani's election, with no recent militant attack.

"Authorities are ready to face any attempt at creating disorder, as security is Mauritanians' utmost priority," Ghazouani said during an election rally. He has promised supporters a "resounding first-round victory."

Around 1.9 million people are eligible to vote in the country, which has a high youth unemployment rate and problems with corruption.

Polling stations opened 7 a.m. (0700 GMT) and close at 7 pm (1900 GMT). Official results are expected on Sunday or Monday. If the results are inconclusive, a second round would take place on July 14.

Who are the other candidates?
Among Ghazouani's election opponents are activist Biram Dah Abeid, lawyer Id Mohameden M'Bareck, economist Mohamed Lemine El Mourtaji El Wafi and Hamadi Sidi El Mokhtar of the Islamist Tewassoul party.

Abeid was the runner-up in the last two elections and is challenging Ghazouani on his human rights record. He and conservative Mokhtar have both promised radical changes and an end to corruption. They have also questioned the credibility of elections and have accused the Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI) of not doing enough to avoid fraud.

The campaigning has been more or less peaceful, barring some minor scuffles in the northern town of Nouadhibou, said the Interior Ministry.

The African Union, of which Ghazouani is the chairperson, has sent a 27-strong team of observers. The EU has sent three election experts.

Ghazouani "is likely to win a second term, probably in the first round," Carine Gazier, sub-Saharan Africa specialist at the Concerto consultancy, told Reuters news agency.