
Eshraqa launches 2018 calendar celebrating Omani social media influencers

Roundup Tuesday 23/January/2018 18:42 PM
By: Times News Service
Eshraqa launches 2018 calendar celebrating Omani social media influencers

Muscat: Khimji Ramdas’ Eshraqa thematic calendar for 2018 was recently launched, signalling the start of a new year for Eshraqa’s multi-pronged community drive.
The calendar pays tribute to social media influencers across Oman. Influencers featured got to see the calendar for the first time when it was unveiled in a gathering recently held at Vergnano 1882 recently.
Commenting on the new calendar release, Nailesh Khimji, director of Khimji Ramdas, said, “The Khimji Ramdas Eshraqa Calendar reiterates our commitment to inspire and celebrate local talent. Each year we spotlight individuals from the local Omani community who have achieved noteworthy accomplishments, whether these are in sports, art, literature, culture. The calendar showcases these achievers so that they shine as inspiring role models for youth and young professionals.”
Rajive Ahuja, head of Corporate Communications & CSR at Khimji Ramdas, took the opportunity to impress upon the young minds the power of their influence in effecting positive change. “The reason we chose social media as the theme for this year’s calendar is that you are able to bond and connect with people based on the trust and inspiration you build with them, and it is also why influencers like you play such an important part in the Eshraqa crowd support drive. But unlike other public contributions, we are not asking for financial assistance. Rather, what we are looking forward to is gaining your goodwill, your endorsement for our projects under Eshraqa so that you can help spread the word. This will give our efforts a significant boost.”
Eshraqa’s crowd support initiative was launched as a unique tool to garner reinforcement and advocacy from within the public and online media circles for its numerous projects under its current developmental mandate that covers the wilayats of Izi and Bidbid. Visitors register their support for a project of their choice by clicking the ‘I Support’ button on the ‘Crowd Support’ page of the Eshraqa website. For each digital footprint left by a fan on the Eshraqa Social Crowd Funding Initiative Projects page via the “I Support” button, Eshraqa launches and completes the respective project. Every expression of support on this digital wall serves as encouragement and motivation for the Eshraqa team to implement the project within the allotted timeframe.
Every year, Khimji Ramdas celebrates people from a chosen stream in its annual calendar. The young men and women featured this year are highly popular in the online community for their views and creativity, helping initiate change and creating positive engagement. The calendar explores the different facets of their personalities – their hobbies and interests and what makes them unique.
The calendar this year included Fahmi Al Mawaali, Maha Al Balushi, Saif Al Foori, Halima Al Abdulsalam, Mohammed Al Arimi, Ashwaq Al Maskery, Rumaitha Al Busaidi, Ghazi Al Balushi, Mohammed Al Noufali, Madiha Al Sulimani, Issam Al Zadjali, Ghada Al Zadjali, Hatim Al Abdissalaam.
Over the years, the calendar has celebrated a number of themes, covering postal services’ first day covers and stamps, Omani cultural heritage, musical instruments, children and sports, Omani fashion and style, fine arts, youth empowerment, completion of 40 years of the blessed renaissance, sports stars of Oman, SME entrepreneurship, social change, photography, and a tribute to His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said.