Car bomb in eastern Baghdad district kills at least 11

World Monday 25/April/2016 21:20 PM
By: Times News Service
Car bomb in eastern Baghdad district kills at least 11

Baghdad: A car bomb exploded in a district of eastern Baghdad on Monday, killing at least 11 people and wounding 39 others, security and medical sources said, the third such blast in four days in the capital.
There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the blast near a cinema in Baghdad Al Jadida but ultra-hardline IS militant group, which claimed two attacks over the weekend, often target commercial and residential areas.
The blast set fire to at least five other vehicles on a busy commercial street during evening rush hour, the sources said. Unverified photos published online showed a plume of dark smoke rising above the site of the explosion.
Security has gradually improved in Baghdad, which was the target of daily bombings a decade ago, though attacks against the security forces and Shi'ite civilians are still frequent.
At least 12 people were killed on Saturday in two separate car bomb attacks targeting security forces, while a suicide attack at a mosque following Friday prayers left nine others dead.
The rise of IS, which is fighting government forces over control of swathes of northern and western Iraq, has exacerbated a sectarian conflict.
Meanwhile, in Tikrit, clashes between Kurdish and Turkmen militia fighters late on Monday cut the main road from Baghdad to the north for the second day in a row and threatened to undermine a ceasefire agreement reached by military leaders a day earlier.
The violence in Tuz Khurmatu, 175 km (110 miles) north of the capital, is the latest and most severe flare-up of tensions that have been brewing since IS militants were driven back from the town in 2014.
Paramilitary leaders and Kurdish peshmerga commanders had brokered a truce on Sunday to end fighting that killed at least 12 people on both sides, but it broke down before sunset on Monday.
Police sources in the town said shops were closed and the streets deserted. No casualties were reported at area hospitals, likely because the roads were considered too dangerous for travel.
Peshmerga tanks shelled Turkmen districts, while militia fighters launched mortar fire and sniped at predominately Kurdish areas, the police said.
Five buildings had been burned.
A Kurdish peshmerga fighter in Tuz Khurmato told Reuters his forces had been instructed to observe the ceasefire, but that armed Kurdish residents of the town were attacking Turkmen positions.
"Now you can hear the sound of RPG (rocket-propelled grenades) and rockets," he said, the sound of small arms fire audible in the background.
The clashes began late on Saturday when members of a militia hurled a grenade into the house of a Kurdish commander and his guards responded by firing RPGs, security sources said.