
Wednesday 16/January/2019 14:54 PM

China’s perilous Taiwan policy

The unfolding geopolitical contest between China and the United States has been described by many as a new cold war. If it ever becomes a hot one, the flash...

Wednesday 16/January/2019 14:36 PM

Risks to the global economy in 2019

As Mark Twain never said, “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you think you know for sure that just ain’t...

Wednesday 16/January/2019 14:24 PM

Why is immigration different from trade?

Despite the current backlash against free trade, exemplified most prominently by US President Donald Trump’s protectionist “America First” agenda, the...

Tuesday 15/January/2019 15:05 PM

Fully filling the global fund

The single most important public health measure of 2019 is the replenishment of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria. These three...

Tuesday 15/January/2019 14:55 PM

Disrupting multilateral climate finance

A recent report by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warns that to avoid the direst consequences of global warming, societies...

Tuesday 15/January/2019 14:46 PM

Shelter from the storm in 2019

What would have to happen for this to be a tranquil year economically, financially, and politically? Answer: a short list of threats to stability would have...

Tuesday 15/January/2019 14:36 PM

Whither the Chinese consumer?

For most of the past decade, the growing spending power of China’s expanding middle class has fuelled the global economy. After the 2008 financial crisis,...

Monday 14/January/2019 15:18 PM

Italy’s writing on the wall

As the home of both the Roman Empire and the Renaissance, Italy has long been at the forefront of cultural developments in Europe and Western Eurasia. But...

Monday 14/January/2019 15:09 PM

Too much gratitude?

Last November, Michael Bloomberg made what may well be the largest private donation to higher education in modern times: $1.8 billion to enable his alma...

Monday 14/January/2019 14:53 PM

Can Tunisia’s democracy survive?

When anti-government protests swept across the Arab world in 2011, Tunisia seemed poised to emerge better off. Yet, by 2013, the democratic process was...