His Majesty Sultan Qaboos issues three Royal Decrees

Business Friday 03/June/2016 10:54 AM
By: Times News Service
His Majesty Sultan Qaboos issues three Royal Decrees

His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said on Thursday issued three Royal decrees as follows:
Royal Decree No. 29/2016 on transfers and placements in the diplomatic corps.
Article (1) states that the ambassadors named below shall be transferred to the general diwan of the Foreign Ministry:
1.Shaikh Mohammed bin Abdullah bin Ali al-Qatabi, the Sultanate’s Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates.
2. Mohammed bin Nasser bin Hamad al-Wahaibi, the Sultanate’s Ambassador to the State of Qatar.
3. Hussain bin Omar bin Abdullah al- Ibrahim, the Sultanate’s Ambassador to Tunisian Republic.
4. Sayyid Qais bin Salim bin Ali al-Said, the Sultanate’s Ambassador to the Republic of Turkey.
5. Riyadh bin Yousef bin Ahmed al-Raisi, the Sultanate’s Ambassador to Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
6.Khalid bin Sulaiman bin Abdurrahman Ba’Omar, the Sultanate’s Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany.
7. Mohammed bin Khalil bin Mohammed al-Gazmi, the Sultanate’s Ambassador to the Republic of Senegal.
8. Ahmed bin Barakat bin Abdullah Al-Ibrahim, the Sultanate’s Ambassador to the Republic of Lebanon.
Article (2) transfers the following ambassadors and appoints them as stated here:
1.Lyutha bint Sultan bin Ahmed al-Mughairiya, Sultanate’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations in New York, to be transferred and appointed as the Sultanate’s Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany.
2. Shaikh Khalifa bin Ali bin Issa al-Harthy, Sultanate’s Ambassador to the Arab Republic of Egypt, to be transferred and appointed as the Sultanate’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations in New York.
3.Dr Khalid bin Said bin Salim al-Jaradi, Sultanate’s Ambassador to the Federative Republic of Brazil, to be transferred and appointed as the Sultanate’s Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates.
4. Badr bin Mohammed bin Badr al-Mantheri, Sultanate’s Ambassador to the Yemeni Republic, to be transferred and appointed as the Sultanate’s Ambassador to the Republic of Lebanon.
5.Dr. Qassim bin Mohammed bin Salim al-Salhi, Sultanate’s Ambassador to the State of Libya, to be transferred and appointed as the Sultanate’s Ambassador to the Republic of Turkey.
6. Saud bin Ali bin Mohammed al-Ruqaishi, Sultanate’s Ambassador to the United Republic of Tanzania, to be transferred and appointed as the Sultanate’s Ambassador to the Tunisian Republic.
Article (3) appoints Dr. Ali bin Ahmed bin Harib al-Issa’ee, as the Sultanate’s Ambassador to the Arab Republic of Egypt and its Permanent Representative to the Arab League, and Abdullah bin Mohammed bin Sulaiman al-A'mri, as the Sultanate’s Ambassador to the Republic of Senegal.
Article (4) grants the following the title of Ambassador and appoints them as stated here:
1. Plenipotentiary Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Omar bin Ahmed al-Marhoon, to be appointed as the Sultanate’s Ambassador to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
2. Plenipotentiary Minister Ali bin Abdullah bin Salim al-Mahrouqi, to be appointed as the Sultanate’s Ambassador to Tanzania.
3. Adviser Imad bin Hamoud bin Salim al-Abri, to be appointed as the Sultanate’s Ambassador to the Federative Republic of Brazil.
4. Adviser Najeeb bin Yahya bin Zeerok al-Balushi, to be appointed as the Sultanate’s Ambassador to the State of Qatar.
Article (5) says that this decree shall be published in the Official Gazette and enforced on its date of issue.
Royal Decree No. 30/2016 promulgates Law on Combating Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing.
Article (1) stipulates that the provisions of the Law on Combating Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing attached to this decree shall be enforced.
Article (2) says that this decree shall be published in the Official Gazette.
Royal Decree No. 31/2016 ratifies the Agreement on Foundation of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank signed in Beijing on June 29th 2015.
Article (1) ratifies the aforementioned agreement in accordance with the version attached to this decree.
Article (2) says that this decree shall be published in the Official Gazette and enforced on its date of issue.