Muscat: A fishing vessel was seized for discharging hazardous waste into the marine environment at Fishing Port in Duqm, Al Wusta Governorate.
"The Special Economic Zone at Duqm (SEZAD), seized a fishing vessel discharging hazardous waste at the Fishing Port in Duqm. Accordingly, specialists in the Environmental Regulatory Department took legal actions against the violating vessel," SEZAD said in a statement.
"The Zone's management calls upon all fishermen to adhere to dumping wastes in the designated areas in the Fishing Port , as legal actions , which may include imprisonment for a period of two years and a fine of up to OMR 50,000 , will be taken against violators and those polluting marine environment," SEZAD added.
Sources of pollution of the marine environment, including what is internal, such as oil spills, drainage of balancing water, and chemical leaks, and what is external, such as plastic waste that is disposed of by throwing it into the sea. The United Nations report indicates that humans throw about 13 million tonnes of plastic waste into the oceans annually, and every year the seas lose 100,000 animals. According to United Nations estimates, 99 percent of seabirds will have ingested plastic by the year 2050.
Marine pollution has severe consequences for humans and the marine environment. A person may be exposed to serious diseases when heavy metals are transferred to his body when eating contaminated fish. Marine pollution may cause a food crisis, because millions of people have become highly dependent on fish as a food source. Also, it directly affects marine organisms, and leads to the loss of biodiversity in seas and oceans.