
First meeting held on ban of development, production, stockpiling of bacteriological, toxin

Oman Wednesday 29/January/2025 20:08 PM
First meeting held on ban of development, production, stockpiling of bacteriological, toxin

The first meeting was held here today to form the national working team concerned with issuing the system regarding the implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological and Toxin weapons.

The meeting was headed by the Director of Operational Requirements at the Command of the Sultan's Armed Forces (COSAF). It was attended by a number of advisors and specialists from the military and security units and relevant government departments.

The meeting discussed a number of topics on its agenda.This convention is one of the leading international agreements in the field of disarmament and banning weapons of mass destruction. It aims to enhance international security and peace. Oman joined the convention pursuant to Royal Decree (17/92).