
Sunday 11/June/2017 18:51 PM

Smartphone market responds to senior users

Smartphone technology may seem complicated and flashy, but don’t believe anyone who says it’s only for the young. In fact, 73 per cent of those 50 to 59...

Sunday 28/May/2017 19:28 PM

Oman technology: All about Poweramp

What is it: A virtual amp and player for your smartphone. Why download now: Poweramp is a powerful (virtual) music player. Some of its features include 10...

Sunday 21/May/2017 19:22 PM

3 steps to becoming a savvier online shopper

Every day, people use data to influence their decision making — from where to go for dinner, to selecting stocks in which they should invest, to where to...

Sunday 14/May/2017 20:31 PM

Times Digital Download: Band of Brothers

The World War II has always fascinated me, as it has millions of military and history lovers the world over. From Saving Private Ryan featuring Tom Hanks...